The success Troncmasters has enjoyed, thanks to your support, means we’ve been able to expand on and upgrade the quality work we do.
With this in mind, we’re pleased to introduce a recent addition to our Troncmasters team, and it’s someone many of you will meet soon.
That’s because after you outsource to Troncmasters, Norica Jackson, our Senior Implementation Consultant, will be the first face you see.
Norica will take your hospitality business through the crucial steps in establishing a tronc, setting out critical decisions and kickstarting a process to ensure your employees are paid their tips fairly, promptly and compliantly.
All while saving everyone a lot of money.
Chosen to be a part of our team… and yours
Norica is the perfect front-of-house welcome to Troncmasters, bringing the world of hospitality and payroll seamlessly together to help you and your staff make the most of our service.
How does she do this? Experience. Not only does her background include years of delivering payroll, but, just like her colleagues, she spent years working on the hospitality frontline.
Acting as your business’s Troncmaster, Norica’s job is to assess and set out the correct gratuities regime for your workplace and its staff, clearing away any doubt and confusion your business had before working with us. She ensures your tronc is the perfect fit, runs smoothly and has zero compliance issues.
Why Katie picked Norica
There are two reasons why Norica was hand-picked for the job by our head Troncmaster, Katie Linstead.
The first is her wealth of experience. Norica lived and breathed hospitality for years, greeting countless guests as they filed through the doors of hotels, luxury apartment complexes and casinos. Big names include the glamorous Sunborn Gibraltar Hotel & Casino and London’s Marlin Apartments.
She has also worked in-house and within bureaus to deliver payroll – helping every type of business, from small startups to large organisations that have to deal with mind-boggling month-end complexities.
This brings us to the second reason Norica was offered this key role at Troncmasters: Katie has seen Norica’s extensive industry expertise in action.
Years ago, Katie was her manager. The pair worked at the bureau Pay Check, delivering payroll and pension services, where Katie was Payroll Team Manager and Norica a Payroll Administrator. Katie recognised the potential in Norica, whose globetrotting journey so far had seen her live and work in Romania, Spain and Gibraltar before arriving in London. When the two met, Norica had recently moved from working front-of-house in hospitality to retraining as a payroll specialist. Katie gave Norica her first job in this field.
The two quickly became an unstoppable force – Katie’s keen organisational skills complemented by Norica’s quick-paced initiative. From that point on, the two never lost touch.
“We’ve been excited about expanding our dream team at Troncmasters, and I’ve always been keen to find the perfect role for Norica here,” Katie says. “We worked side-by-side for a long time, and her self-starter attitude, professionalism and focus on people meant she was the ideal choice for Senior Implementation Consultant.
“I’m so glad she was able to join us.”
A people-first approach that helps staff retention
Norica never stops helping people. In her spare time, she’s a keen nutritionist and a qualified fitness instructor. She is currently writing a book on fertility.
Back at work, this people-centric focus helps her understand how everyone, and so every business, is different – which means coming up with tailored tronc solutions every time. When she looks at a team who needs their tips administered properly, she sees a group comprised of individuals, and her focus is on a tronc that will benefit all of them.
And the happier these teams are, the more successfully our client’s businesses will function.
A great start
Norica says she has enjoyed her time so far with Troncmasters. “Since I joined two months ago, I’ve already worked with about 30 companies who have signed up for our services.
“Whether it’s face-to-face or over a video call, it’s been a great chance to work with people in hospitality once again. I get to drop into the bustling lives of these fantastic companies and figure out how to make their lives better and easier.
“Katie describes Troncmasters as assembling a dream team, and – working with Katie once more and meeting some wonderful new colleagues – it certainly is a cloud-nine moment.”